Letizia, Ambrose & Falls is an 11-lawyer law firm located in New Haven, Connecticut. The partners of the Firm are John M. Letizia, Neil J. Ambrose and Kristen Sotnik Falls, as well as James A. Mongillo, Judith A. Murray, Marybeth C. McPadden, Melissa B. Convertito, Phyllis M. Pari and Polly L. Orenstein. The Firm’s of counsel is Aigné Goldsby. Letizia, Ambrose & Falls represents employers, hospitals, healthcare providers and municipalities in the areas of workers’ compensation, corporate law, litigation, managed care and labor. Our attorneys are skilled and dynamic individuals, who are dedicated to providing our clients not only with high quality legal representation, but also with responsive service.
Letizia, Ambrose & Falls represents a number of prominent clients in greater New Haven and throughout Connecticut. The Firm’s work for its clients includes workers’ compensation, healthcare and corporate counseling, mergers and affiliations, litigation defense, labor negotiations, employment litigation, arbitration, representation before the OHCA, EEOC and CHRO, personnel counseling, wage and hour audits, drafting of employment and partnership contracts and separation agreements. The Firm has represented employers in Federal and State court proceedings, administrative hearings, mediation, labor negotiations, arbitrations and before the Connecticut Appellate and Supreme Courts. The Firm has also represented employers before the U.S. Department of Justice, the U.S. Attorney General’s Office, Federal and State Department of Labor, Connecticut Attorney General's Office, the Health Care Financing Administration, the Secretary of State, the Department of Insurance, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Public Health, the Connecticut Department of Social Services, the Office of Health Care Access, and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
Letizia, Ambrose & Falls has a very active workers’ compensation practice for Connecticut employers. At present, the Firm represents more self-insured employers and groups in workers’ compensation and related litigation managed care and employment matters than any other firm in Connecticut. In addition, the medical provider networks that the Firm has developed for its clients cover more than 75,000 private-sector employees in Connecticut.
Letizia, Ambrose & Falls’ attorneys are members of the Connecticut Bar Association including CBA’s Diversity & Inclusion Committee. We were the first workers’ compensation law firm in the State to sign on to the Connecticut Legal Community’s Diversity and Inclusion Pledge. Our attorneys serve on various committees, such as the Workers’ Compensation Chairman’s Legal Advisory Panel and CBIA’s Labor and Employment Council. The Firm has received the Legal Services Award from the former Domestic Violence Services, and awards from Harbor Healthcare, the Workers’ Compensation Trust and VNA Community Healthcare for its pro-bono and other charitable efforts.